Friday, March 16, 2012

Selling the Dream, why would I name this blog that?  I worked with a gentlemen a few years ago and anytime I would call him and ask "How is it going?", his answer was always an enthusiastic "Living the Dream?"  I know he had good days and bad days just like I do but somehow when he picked up the phone or walked out the door to greet the world he was and I believe still is always happy!  I started trying this approach from time to time and found I always felt better even if my day wasn't quite what I wanted it to be.  I am still far from always turning on the sunshine but I think I have come a long ways.  What I learned is even people down on their luck will put on a happy face and live a very happy life.  Seeing the good in the world and life rather than the bad.  What is the saying "If life gives you lemons, make lemonade!"

When I look back on my life I really have been "Living the Dream"!  I have a great wife, 4 great kids and 2 wonderful granddaughters that I don't see nearly enough.  My parents are still healthy and traveling during their winters.  I am healthy and other than the minor age aches and pains, I am doing very well.  Now I could start discussing at this point all of the goals and wishes that I have not achieved as well as some of the financial woes this economy has caused me and the many things I have not done correctly causing me pain and sorrow.  You see where that is going!  August 2010, I quit smoking, quit drinking, started dieting and regular exercise, today I am still not smoking, I have a very occasional drink, haven't done so well on the diet and still exercise almost regularly.  All of these things have been great changes in my life but I think the positive attitude that I am still working on today is the best change.  Keep myself thinking positive thoughts, put on a happy face and I can feel the change deep inside.  I have really noticed the difference when I am in front of a customer.  A day that started as a mediocre day immediately changes when I walk out the door, smile and tell the world "I am living the dream!"  By the way, if you ever read this, Thanks Bob!

Today, my goal is every morning to walk out my door and begin "Selling the Dream"!  The feeling this gives me is always positive and can even turn a gloomy day bright!

Thank you for reading!

SE Up North

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